Letter to the Editor: Experience and the right priorities matter

This post was originally published on this site

Michelle Steel has an array of experience including the California Board of Equalization, Orange County Board of Supervisors, and now a US Congresswoman. I am supporting Michele for reelection because of her priorities and tireless efforts to better the lives of the people she serves and represents.

As a freshman Congresswoman, Michele has consistently fought against the many tax increases proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives. She has also been a leader in the fight to cut taxes for small businesses so they can not just survive, but grow and hire more employees.

Lowering the cost of living, fighting inflation and improving our economy are top priorities for Michele Steel. Besides fighting against the never-ending proposals for tax increases, she has voted against the huge government spending bills and is working to help reduce government restrictions on commerce and the energy sector that are keeping US gas prices at painful highs.

Michele is also working to make America a safer place to live by fighting to control our open borders, and to make it a fairer place to live by fighting against racial discrimination in college admissions.

Gary Lawson
Placentia, CA