Jay Chen: Will Rep. Michelle Steel follow the orders of pharmaceutical special interests yet again?

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With Big Pharma instructing their bought representatives to vote against the Inflation Reduction Act, which among other key inflation reduction provisions, would lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug makers to lower prices, voters are waiting yet again to see whether Rep. Michelle Steel will side with working families or special interests.

Background on Special Interest Steel:

Siding with Big Pharma: when Rep. Michelle Steel had the chance to cap the cost of insulin at $35, Steel voted NO.

Siding with the Gun Lobby: when Rep. Michelle Steel had the chance to make history in supporting the bipartisan gun safety bill, Steel voted NO.

Siding with Big Oil and Gas: when Rep. Michelle Steel had the chance to help working families by stopping price gouging on gas, Steel voted NO.

“Time and time again, Steel says she’s fighting for our working families, but then goes behind their backs and plays DC politics by siding with special interests on crucial votes,” said Lt. Commander Jay Chen. “In Congress, I’ll take on special interests and work with members from both sides of the aisle to combat inflation, promote small businesses, and create good-paying jobs, because working families deserve a true fighter.”