Election Year Begins for San Juan Capistrano Council Seats

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Staff report

The filing period to run for City Council in Districts 2, 3 and 4 will open on July 18 and ends Aug. 12, according to a news release issued by the City of San Juan Capistrano. The seats for Districts 2, 3 and 4 are currently held by Councilmembers Troy Bourne, Derek Reeve (the current mayor), and John Taylor.

The General Municipal Election will be held on Nov. 8.

“Candidates have until 4:30 p.m. on August 12 to file nomination documents and statements of qualification for office,” the news release said. “The deadline extends to Wednesday, August 17, if an incumbent is not running for re-election and does not file papers by the August 12 deadline.”

Candidates must be registered voters and reside in either of the districts up for election.

“Nomination papers must be signed by no less than 20 or more than 30 registered voters residing in the district in which the candidate resides,” the news release said. “Each candidate is required to file a Statement of Economic Interest disclosing investments and interests in real property when the nomination papers are returned for filing. There is no cost for filing nomination papers.”

Candidates can also prepare a statement that includes name, age, occupation, and a brief description of no more than 200 words about the candidate’s qualifications. The statement is filed with the nomination papers and included in the sample ballot materials mailed to district voters.

The cost for providing this service is approximately $600 and payable at the time of filing nomination papers, according to the city.

Candidate packets containing nomination papers and election materials will be available when the filing period begins. Appointments to obtain the candidate’s packet and review the information with the City Clerk are required. The City Clerk’s office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Call 949.443.6309 for more information.

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