Rep. Young Kim introduces bill to track U.S. arms transfers to Taiwan, Indo-Pacific allies

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U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39), who serves as Vice Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia, and Nonproliferation, and Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX-10) introduced the Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act (H.R. 8259) to track transfers and ensure efficient delivery of U. S. defense equipment sold to Taiwan and other Indo Pacific allies.

This bill would reaffirm the commitment of Congress to American allies, increase transparency of ongoing efforts to uphold security agreements and identify solutions to address delivery time lags.

The Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act requires a report from Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State on:

  • The list of approved transfer of defense articles to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand;
  • The estimated start and end dates of delivery for approved and incomplete transfer items;
  • Any changes in delivery dates with explanations for the delays, options for expediting the deliveries, and authorities and powers Congress can use to expedite the deliveries;
  • A description of ongoing interagency efforts to support operational capability of delivered systems; and,
  • A separate description of actions the State Department is taking to expedite deliveries to Taiwan.

House Foreign Affairs Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia, and Nonproliferation Subcommittee Ranking Member Steve Chabot (OH-01) and Rep. Brian Mast (FL-18) joined Reps. Kim and McCaul as original cosponsors of H.R. 8259.

“Supporting our vulnerable allies is critical to keeping Americans safe at home and abroad, protecting the free flow of commerce in international trade routes and strengthening our economy and national security. We must ensure that America’s word is trusted by allies, feared by our adversaries, and followed by strong, decisive action by our leaders,” said Kim. “The Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act ensures that defense equipment already purchased from the U.S. by Taiwan and other allies in the region are tracked and delivered as efficiently as possible as the Chinese Communist Party eyes further aggression. I will do all I can to ensure the United States remains a leader on the world stage.” 

“Delayed deliveries of Congressionally-approved sales to Taiwan are undermining our ability to deter an attack from China. This is incredibly concerning as China ramps up its belligerence towards Taiwan,” said McCaul. “I commend Representative Kim for her effort to get to the bottom of this issue and other arms sales to critical regional allies with this important legislation.”

“It is unconscionable that we can’t seem to get Taiwan the weapons it needs in a timely fashion. Representative Kim’s important legislation will bring much needed focus to this urgent challenge,” said Chabot, who is Ranking Member of the Asia-Pacific Subcommittee and a Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Taiwan Caucus.

Read the bill text here.