Orange County, CA Registrar of Voters certifies California statewide direct primary election results

This post was originally published on this site

Registrar of Voters Bob Page certified the official Orange County results of the June 7, 2022 California Statewide Direct Primary Election.

Total voter turnout for the election was 35 percent. Of those Orange County voters that cast a ballot, 88.6 percent cast a vote-by-mail ballot and 11.4 percent cast an in-person ballot at one of 181 Vote Centers throughout the county. The ballots cast for this Statewide Direct Primary (636,497) was 0.2% higher than the 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election (635,224) and 87% higher than the 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Election (340,187).

Prior to certification, two audits were completed Friday to verify the results of the election.

The legally required one percent manual tally of precincts examined and manually tallied 7,023 ballots from among 31 precincts chosen at random. The hand count results were then compared with the election results that were produced by the County’s voting system.

While not legally required, a risk-limiting ballot comparison audit was also conducted. During the audit, ballots among 18 contests selected by the Registrar of Voters were examined and compared to the original cast vote record. These 257 ballots were randomly selected using a state-approved audit software application to achieve a 95% confidence level that the election outcome was accurate.

Both audits confirmed that the results of the election were correct. Details on the audits can be found at

A post-election logic and accuracy testing of Orange County’s voting system equipment and software was also conducted this week. Test ballots were fed through all ballot scanning devices used in the election, and all the votes on the test ballots were accurately counted.

Finally, the Registrar of Voters confirmed that the state-certified voting system software had not been modified during the election.

The Orange County Registrar of Voters produces detailed reports focusing on overall turnout, turnout by precinct, turnout by districts, turnout by cities, and more. These detailed reports can be found by visiting

Quote by Registrar of Voters Bob Page

“This was the first Orange County election I have administered as Registrar of Voters, and I could not be more pleased with the level of focus, accuracy, and integrity that my team demonstrated.” He continued, “We worked diligently to serve the voters of Orange County, providing them with equal access to the election process, protecting the integrity of their votes, and maintaining a transparent, accurate, and fair elections process.”