Guest Editorial: Inflation is hurting California families

This post was originally published on this site

Everyday we watch prices rise on basic necessities, like food and electricity, without placing the blame on Democrats’ excessive spending policies. Over the last year, their total control of government has resulted in a disastrous spending spree, as they pass trillion dollar bills that have flooded our economy with money and driven up inflation. As inflation continues to rise, Democrats keep pushing for more spending that will only make inflation worse. It is questionable whether the party in power took any economics classes in school.

We need leaders in Washington who understand how to get inflation under control. Thankfully, Congresswoman Michelle Steel understands the importance of this issue. Steel has promised to fight to curb excessive spending and create a balanced budget, instead of supporting reckless trillion dollar bills. Her relentless focus on pocketbook issues has earned her my support, and I can only hope that her Democrat colleagues adopt her correct approach to reducing inflation.

This guest editorial was written by Amy Harman of Fountain Valley.