Letter to the Editor: Crisis at the border

This post was originally published on this site

Dear Editor:

Since Joe Biden became President and Democrats took full control of Congress, border security has been ignored. Our Southern Border is wide open, allowing for human trafficking, fentanyl, and dangerous cartel members to enter our country illegally.

I am further disappointed in Democrat candidate Jay Chen for failing to recognize the importance of this issue. Border security appears nowhere on his website, and he seems more focused on launching baseless attacks on his opponent than offering solutions to the border crisis. I can only assume that Chen supports the Biden Administration’s policy of open borders, demonizing border patrol agents, and penalizing legal immigrants who wait their turn to enter the country.

I plan to support Congresswoman Michelle Steel in November because she understands the magnitude of the crisis and is working to secure our border. She supports the importance of hiring more agents to stop fentanyl from crossing the border and fully supports law enforcement.

Barbara Greenlund
Yorba Linda