Crosswalk safety gets extra enforcement in Lakewood

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Public safety staff from the City of Lakewood are playing the role of pedestrians in crosswalks in Lakewood this week to see if vehicles stop for them as required by law. If not, L.A. County Deputy Sheriffs are waiting nearby to issue traffic citations. Vehicles are also ticketed if they try to pass another vehicle stopped at a crosswalk, which is also a violation.

The operation is jointly funded by the City of Lakewood along with a grant from the California Office of Transportation Safety. Lakewood will repeat the operation in the future.

The effort is part of the City of Lakewood’s ongoing initiative to enhance safety on Lakewood roadways for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

Last year, the Lakewood City Council funded a new Deputy Sheriff position dedicated to traffic safety patrol. Lakewood now has two traffic safety Deputy Sheriffs who focus on speeding, distracted driving and other unsafe driving while on patrol in the city.

The City Council also funded the installation of flashing beacons and other lighting at several crosswalks, which will be studied to determine their effectiveness and possible expansion to other crosswalks in town.

“Nationwide, most traffic accidents happen close to our homes,” said Lakewood Mayor Steve Croft. “On the Lakewood City Council we want to do everything we can to encourage safe driving in the town we all call home and make our streets as safe as possible for every resident, whether they are driving, cycling or walking.”