Councilwoman and Mayoral candidate Suzie Price releases Economic Development Plan

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Long Beach Mayoral candidate and City Councilmember Suzie Price announced her Economic Development Plan for Long Beach today.

“As a small business owner, I can tell you many are starting to bounce back from the challenges of the pandemic,” says Price. “We are also getting to a place where we have some reliable data in terms of our staffing and revenue. For me, the discussion about economic growth and progress for our city is about what kind of vision we have for the future of Long Beach.”

The Economic Development plan identifies two specific actions needed to foster business development and achieve economic growth. First, investing in the small business sector, and, second, creating industry specific incentives to recruit, retain and grow those sectors in Long Beach. These two actions will create job opportunities and build an infrastructure that supports diversified housing options and child care, fostering a vibrancy that will move Long Beach forward.

“The City of Long Beach has tremendous promise, but in order for us to move ahead, we have to stop getting in our own way and focus on these two specific economic development goals,” says Price.

Price’s economic development transition team will begin working on day one to further define and implement these proposals.

As a Long Beach City Councilwoman, Price has been at the forefront of economic development in the Third District, facilitating over 2,600 business licenses and over 200 new businesses by adding a business liaison to her staff. Price was also an architect of the Small Business Incentive Program, has worked hand in hand with commercial property owners to attract new business, and has hosted an annual small business workshop to assist small business owners.

This article was released by Suzie Price for Mayor 2022.