Message from the CIF-SS Commissioner: True partnership – continued

This post was originally published on this site

On June 15, 2015, in my Message from the Commissioner, I wrote these words, “I believe that we are totally committed to a true partnership between our office and our member schools. What I mean by that is we rely on our principals, athletic directors and coaches to make our rules, and together, we all enforce them. Our primary goal as an organization is to provide opportunities for young men and young women to enjoy the benefits of high school athletic programs, while giving our student-athletes and our schools as much support as possible by educating our constituents, assisting them in understanding the interpretations of our rules and serving as a resource for all of our stakeholders. I believe our member schools share that same primary goal. Once our championship playoffs begin each season, our true partnership grows even stronger. We depend on our member schools to conduct and supervise playoff contests on their campuses or other suitable locations. When it is time for our Championship Finals, regarding the financial arrangements for our championships, we must work cooperatively with our schools in trying to encourage aƩendance, while keeping expenses down, so that we maximize the amount of revenue that we share with them.”

2021-2022 Budget Surplus Distribution – The 2021-2022 school year has been a tremendously successful one for our true partnership. In terms of revenue sharing, through our Fall Sports Championships and Winter Sports Championships, our schools have realized over $1,000,000 in profits returned to them from our championship playoffs. These are record numbers, in terms of playoff revenues distributed to our schools, further proving that when we all work together in this cooperative way, we all benefit. That is why I am proud to announce that through this true partnership between our organization and our member schools, we have realized a significant surplus in net income from our 2021-2022 budget projections. This surplus is due to increased attendance at our championship playoffs, excellent oversight and control of expenses from our member schools and our staff and the continued support of our corporate sponsors who help us all keep costs down. Through the leadership of our CIF Southern Section Executive Committee, the decision has been made to rebate the entire amount of membership sport fees collected for the 2021-2022 school year to each one of our 560 member schools. This will result in approximately $750,000 distributed to our schools, the checks will be arriving on your campuses soon, and is our way of expressing how much we appreciate all your efforts in service to young people.

2022-2023 Sport Fees – As you know, we are preparing for the launch of CIFSSHome 2.0 on June 1. The system will open on that date and you will be able to begin the process of registering your school for the 2022- 2023 school year. Feel free to go ahead and accomplish the registration process, and even create your invoice for Sport Fees. However, I ask that if you are planning to complete the registration process by paying your Sport Fees during the month of June, please wait until at least July 1, which is the beginning of our new fiscal year.

I hope this information is useful to you and if you have any questions, or I can help you in any way at all, do not hesitate to contact our office.

As always, I thank you for your continued help and support, it is truly appreciated.