Still time to volunteer for Love Costa Mesa event this Saturday May 14

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The City of Costa Mesa is partnering with Love Costa Mesa to hold the fifth annual City-Wide Serve Day on Saturday, May 14, where volunteers will participate in projects across the city serving the homeless community, providing practical needs to foster children, beautifying community parks, and much more.

For those who are interested in volunteering, please visit this website to sign up for a project.

“We are so fortunate to have this dedicated group of volunteers who love Costa Mesa and want to make us better,” Mayor John Stephens said. “I am honored to be a part of this effort and look forward to lending my hand to the many worthwhile improvement projects that we plan to tackle that day.”

Costa Mesa City staff volunteers will paint, clean up, plant and perform restoration work on more than a dozen projects throughout the city. Locations include  Ketchum Libolt, Moon, Fairview, Canyon, Balearic, Wakeham, TeWinkle, Wilson and Del Mesa parks. They will also do general cleanup along 19th Street from Harbor Boulevard to the western City limit.

The Love Costa Mesa event begins at City Hall with an 8 a.m. rally where Mayor Stephens will be on hand to help start the day’s activities. Volunteers will be treated to a breakfast between 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

When the rally ends, volunteers will head out to work on their projects from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and then return to Costa Mesa for a lunch. The breakfast and lunch will be sponsored by local restaurants, which are Decanso, Newport Rib Co., Dave’s Hot Chicken, El Ranchito, Chick-fil-A and Miguel’s Jr.

Love Costa Mesa, which is led by a team of pastors from numerous congregations in the city, is an arm of the local faith-based nonprofit Trellis, a key City partner in the effort to aid those experiencing homelessness.