Senator Bates recognizes Brandi Cassingham, MSN, RN as 2022 Woman of the Year

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Senator Patricia C. Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) recognized Brandi Cassingham as the 2022 Woman of the Year for 36th Senate District. Brandi Cassingham has been the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) & Vice President of Patient Care Services at MemorialCare, Saddleback Medical Center (SMC) in Laguna Hills, CA, since May 2018.

“I am proud to recognize Brandi as Senate District 36’s 2022 Woman of the Year,” said Senator Bates. “Brandi’s commitment to the health profession and her dedication to public service serves as a reminder of why we recognize the accomplishments of California’s women. As the world grappled with the Covid-19 pandemic, Brandi led her team with dynamism, efficacy, and compassion which earned her the respect of Saddleback Medical Center’s over 3,000 nurses, physicians, employees and volunteers. The 36th Senate District is proud to be represented by Brandi Cassingham.”

To learn more about Brandi Cassingham’s professional career and background, click here. To view photos of Senator Bates presenting Brandi with the Woman of the Year resolution, click here.

The Woman of the Year event was founded in 1987 by Assemblywoman Bev Hansen (R) and Assemblywoman Sally Tanner (D), who noticed the California Legislature had no events planned for Women’s History Month. In celebration of the contributions to society made by remarkable women throughout California, Hansen and Tanner arranged to recognize one woman from each Senate and Assembly district to come to the Capitol and be honored for their accomplishments.