Congresswoman Michelle Steel: My accent is my story

This post was originally published on this site

Last week, my opponent decided to attack my accent, telling a crowd of people he needs a translator to understand my English.

These racist comments hit hard, not just to me, but to an entire immigrant community who proudly speaks English after coming to America in search of their own American Dream.

My accent tells a story – the story of immigrants, the story of freedom, and the story of the American Dream. I will not let racist attacks silence me. I love America, and I will fight for it everyday.

I am thankful our community came together to call out Jay Chen for his racism and show him that we expect more from our leaders, especially one who is the child of immigrants himself. While he refuses to apologize, the message is clear: we can do better and we must.

I will continue to work hard in Congress to protect the Asian-American community, and all Americans who come to this country in hopes of a better future.

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