Gascon recall surpasses 125,000 signatures collected and $3.5 million raised, recall on track to qualify by July 6 deadline

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The Recall DA George Gascon campaign announced it has collected well over 125,000 signatures, with thousands more being turned in daily. The recall campaign has raised over $3.5 million and is well positioned to secure the signatures needed to initiate a recall election.

To qualify, the recall must collect 566,857 signatures from registered Los Angeles County voters (10% of the total current registered voters). The deadline for submission to the Registrar is July 6, 2022. If successful, the recall would likely appear on the November 2022 ballot.

Co-chairs of the recall effort released the following statement in reaction to hitting these early milestones:

“The paid and volunteer signature gathering operations are now in full swing, with multiple paid signature gathering firms on the streets at full capacity and volunteer signing events being held across the County every day. We are seeing exponential increases in petition returns as we continue to optimize outreach efforts, and we are confident the recall is on track to qualify by the July 6 deadline. We are also rolling out exciting new programs to make participation easier, such as the Recall App, which will serve as a hub for all volunteer activity and provide LA County residents with an easy way to get involved. Gascon is running scared right now, and we have the momentum and necessary infrastructure in place to make this recall successful.”

Criticism of Gascon has continued to increase as crime rages out of control and Los Angeles County residents experience first-hand the impact of Gascon’s dangerous, pro-criminal agenda. The Los Angeles Association of Deputy District Attorneys recently voted 98% in favor of the recall. According to polling conducted in July 2021, Gascon has high unfavorability ratings and more than 61% of Los Angeles County voters would support another candidate for District Attorney, compared to just 21.5% who said they would support Gascon. Those numbers have only gotten worse for the District Attorney.

The bi-partisan recall effort is led by co-chairs Desiree Andrade, Tania Owen, former Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, former Deputy District Attorney Sam Dordulian, former Deputy District Attorney Kathy Cady, and former Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine. It is supported by victims’ rights advocates, current and former law enforcement officials, and Los Angeles County residents. Over 33 cities (and counting) in Los Angeles County have issued votes of no confidence in Gascon. In addition, the City of Beverly Hills has officially endorsed the recall campaign.

Visit to download a recall petition.