One Irvine: Neighborhood Revitalization Program

This post was originally published on this site

Monday, February 14, 2022

The City of Irvine resumed its One Irvine program on February 14, 2022. One Irvine is a neighborhood revitalization program that connects Irvine residents with community-strengthening resources and with each other. The program enhances neighborhood conditions and facilitates specific improvement projects in collaboration with residents. 

One Irvine focuses resources in Irvine’s older neighborhoods to spark community-led reinvestment, while also providing opportunities for homeowners citywide. Three programs are available to meet the goals of strengthening communities and enhancing neighborhoods throughout the City:

1. Green Home Grant Program: Awards $1,000 grants for green home improvements. Homeowners can receive up to $1,000 per household to support smaller sustainability projects. This program is available to homeowners in North El Camino Real. Funding is limited, and applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis until funding is exhausted. View the program guidelines and apply here. 

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2. Home Improvement Loan Program: Awards up to $25,000 zero-interest loans for large-scale projects. This program is available to homeowners in North El Camino Real. Funding is limited, and applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis until funding is exhausted. View the program guidelines and apply here

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3. Permit Fee Holiday Program: Waives building permit and plan check fees for certain home improvements. This program is available to any single-family home in Irvine built prior to or in 1975 and encourages homeowners to make sustainability upgrades to their homes. Check your eligibility to participate in the program at

For more information, please visit For additional assistance, email or call 949-724-6470.